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The Chancellor is the head of the university, representing the public interest in °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²ÊÂÛ̳, accepting invitations to speak or attend functions on behalf of the university advocating for the mission and vision of the university and representing the university to the external community. The Chancellor confers all degrees, presides over the Convocation ceremony, is a member of the Board of Governors, and sits ex-officio on Committees of the Board of Governors. The Chancellor will hold office for a term of four (4) years, and is not eligible for re-election as a Chancellor.

To be considered for the position of Chancellor, a person shall:

  • Have a record of outstanding achievement in his or her field.
  • Have stature within the university and the external community.
  • Be universally respected, with a strong public presence and profile.
  • Have the time, qualifications, characteristics and stamina necessary to fulfill the Chancellor’s duties at Convocation, as a member of the Board, and in other university and community settings.
  • Exhibit tact, diplomacy, good judgement, grace and integrity.
  • Reflect and be capable of promoting the mission and vision of the university.
  • Understand and act in accordance with the ceremonial aspects of the role.
  • Understand the importance of fundraising for the institution and be capable of facilitating it.
  • Know the University and its programs.
  • Be a passionate, articulate and effective communicator.
  • Be readily accessible to the university.

In approving candidates for Chancellor, the Committee strives for diversity of backgrounds, disciplines and spheres of contribution. The Committee seeks those whose merit is extraordinary and not merely impressive.

A nomination must include:

  1. Nomination letter including detailed specification and documentation of the candidate’s distinctions and achievements;
  2. Name and contact information of the candidate;
  3. Up-to-date curriculum vitae; and
  4. Two letters of support for the candidate.

Applications will be reviewed by the Executive & Governance Committee and their selection is then recommended to the Board of Governors for approval.

Chancellor’s Fund

The intention of the fund is to demonstrate support for the Chancellor’s vision for Concordia. This fund will enable the Chancellor to make available financial support to address °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²ÊÂÛ̳’s most compelling needs and to take advantage of unexpected opportunities.

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