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ARMIN, the Alberta Research-Data Management Information Network, is a novel organization created by °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²ÊÂÛ̳. It is aimed at assisting Tri-Agency-eligible smaller universities and colleges in developing their institutional strategies for Research Data Management (RDM). 


To develop a province-wide RDM network in Alberta that will enhance the research and scholarly activities of smaller post-secondary and other institutions and will facilitate the eligibility of ARMIN members for Tri-Agency funding.


To assist Tri-Agency-eligible institutions in Alberta in the development of their RDM Institutional Strategies by providing access to information and resources, and to liaise on behalf of other institutions in Alberta with organizations that provide resources, develop policy, provide oversight or otherwise participate in the implementation of RDM for Tri-Agency-eligible institutions in Alberta.

Upcoming ARMIN events

To officially launch ARMIN, °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²ÊÂÛ̳ will be hosting online presentations and a discussion panel on May 17, 2022. The full agenda is below.

09:00Welcome and Opening RemarksIntroduction to the Event and
Overview of Program
09:15Scott Baker
Manager, Sensitive Research,
Advanced Research Computing
University of British Columbia
Handle with Care:
Sensitive Research Data Management
09:45Victoria Smith
Policy, Privacy, and Sensitive Data Coordinator, Digital Research Alliance of Canada
How do you Manage your Data when the Data is Sensitive?
10:15Short Break
10:25Kayla Lar-Son
Indigenous Programs & Services Librarian
University of British Columbia
Indigenous Data: Concepts on Data Ownership and Sovereignty
10:55Matthew Lucas
Executive Director,
Corporate Strategy and Performance
Social Sciences and Humanities Research
Council of Canada (SSHRC)
The Tri-Agency Research
Data Management Policy
11:25Short Break
11:35Q&A and Further Discussion
Anna Borynec,
Research Data Manager

Geoff Harder
Co-Chair, Institutional RDM Strategy Working Group
University of Alberta

Lucia Costanzo
Research, Intelligence, & Assessment Coordinator,
Digital Research Alliance of Canada

Scott Baker

Victoria Smith

Kayla Lar-Son

Matthew Lucas
Institutional Readiness –
Implications of the Tri-Agency
Policy and the creation of
Institutional RDM Strategies
12:20Short break
12:30Discussion Panel
Colin Neufeldt, moderator.
Professor, °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²ÊÂÛ̳

Craig Kuzyemsky
AVPR, MacEwan University

Andrew Perrin
AVPR, Athabasca University

Penny D’Agnone
Senior Grants Facilitator, University of Lethbridge

Pam Nordstrom
Provost and Senior Vice President Academic Affairs, Ambrose University
The Challenge of Implementing
the RDM Policy at Small and
Medium Institutions
13:15Colin NeufeldtMoving Forward with RDM Implementation among Albertan Institutions
13:25Closing Remarks and Next Steps

Another ARMIN event will take place in October 2022. Please stay tuned for more details.

For more information

Please see the ARMIN Member Institution page for more details. 

To connect with the ARMIN Team, please email rdm@concordia.ab.ca.