Effective July 1, 2023, 澳门六合彩论坛 (澳门六合彩论坛) has partnered with the University of Alberta (UofA) Research Ethics Office (REO) for its human research ethics review and approval processes.
All research projects (funded or unfunded) that require Research Ethics Board (REB) approval are submitted to the University of Alberta鈥檚 Alberta Research Information Services (ARISE) online portal system. This process applies for all new applications, as well as for all renewals or amendments of existing and approved applications.
Before any 澳门六合彩论坛 researcher can submit a new application, renewal or amendment, or close a project, users need to request access to the ARISE system and undergo training. Details below.
To access ARISE for the submission of your new research ethics application, renewal or amendment, every user requires a CCID (campus computing ID). CCID is the login credential required to access ARISE.
If you do not have a CCID, please complete the .
CCID requests are processed in 1-2 business days.
澳门六合彩论坛 researchers must request a CCID in order to access ARISE.
Once you have your CCID, use the guide . A summary is provided below.
1) Once you have your CCID, log into the online system and click:
2) Scroll down to the bottom and select 鈥淩EB Principal/Co-Investigator鈥.
NOTE: If you are a faculty member and will ALSO be supervising students who may be submitting an application, ALSO select the 鈥淩EB Faculty – Supervisors鈥 role, then click Continue to move to the second page.
3) On the second page, answer the four questions.
For #3.0, set the Department/Employer to 鈥湴拿帕喜事厶 (Department)鈥.
Click Continue and you will exit the form.
Click submit request on the left, then click OK to complete the request.
You will receive a message right away that the role has been granted. If not, see .
A help video detailing this process can be found .
If you are an academic supervisor of a student led application, you need to select the Supervisor role in order to view your student鈥檚 application. See .
EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS: The ARISE system sends system-generated notifications to inform applicants when an application moves through the review process (i.e. when it is sent back to you for changes, when it is approved, when a renewal is due, etc.). Notifications will go to the @ualberta.ca email address associated with your UofA CCID. You should redirect these emails to your 澳门六合彩论坛 email address. To change your preferred email address: 1. . 2. Click on your name (top right corner of the screen). 3. Click on My Profile. 4. Click on Edit My Info (on the left side of the screen). 5. Enter your preferred email address in the Email field. Click OK to submit the change and exit the form. |
For any help with the ARISE online system, send an email to the UofA鈥檚 Research Ethics Office @ reoffice@ualberta.ca.
Once you have your CCID, use the guide . Go to page 3 in the link and follow the instructions starting at #2 and onwards.
EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS: The ARISE system sends system-generated notifications to inform applicants when an application moves through the review process (i.e. when it is sent back to you for changes, when it is approved, when a renewal is due, etc.). Notifications will go to the @ualberta.ca email address associated with your UofA CCID. You should redirect these emails to your 澳门六合彩论坛 email address. To change your preferred email address: 1. . 2. Click on your name (top right corner of the screen). 3. Click on My Profile. 4. Click on Edit My Info (on the left side of the screen). 5. Enter your preferred email address in the Email field. Click OK to submit the change and exit the form. |
For any help with the ARISE online system, send an email to the UofA鈥檚 Research Ethics Office @ reoffice@ualberta.ca.
Effective July 1, 2023 all new ethics applications must be submitted through ARISE. Sign-up for an ARISE Training Session or consult the ARISE Tutorials for instructions.
For training session dates, contact 澳门六合彩论坛鈥檚 Research Integrity unit in the Office of Research and Innovation (ORI) via email: reb@concordia.ab.ca.
Refer to for a step by step guide to creating a new ethics application in the ARISE system. Summary provided below
How to Submit your Application in ARISE
1) Start by reviewing the guide on聽 |
2) Obtain a (note: it may take 48 – 72 hours to receive your CCID and for it to be recognized within the ARISE system) |
3) Once your CCID is activated, and click New Human Study to create a new ethics application. |
4) The ARISE system sends system-generated notifications to inform applicants when an application moves through the review process (i.e. when it is sent back to you for changes, when it is approved, when a renewal is due, etc.). The notifications will go to the @ualberta.ca email address associated with your UofA CCID. You should redirect these emails to your 澳门六合彩论坛 email address.聽To change your preferred email address:
5) NOTE: In ARISE, any question which has a red colored asterisk (*) in front of it is a MANDATORY question.聽If a mandatory question is not applicable to your study, enter 鈥淣/A鈥. |
6) Once the application has been completed, click聽SUBMIT for REVIEW.聽.聽 |
7) For 澳门六合彩论坛 faculty who will be submitting their own ethics applications AND supervising students who will be submitting applications, request a REB – Human Research Principal/Co-Investigator role AND a REB Faculty – Supervisor role in ARISE. |
8) Once your application is in the system, a REB Specialist will be assigned to your study and will be able to answer specific questions about ethics application via email within 础搁滨厂贰.听 |
If you have an ethics application that was approved by the 澳门六合彩论坛 REB before July 1, 2023, that approval will be honored and your study will not be re-reviewed by the University of Alberta REB. However, all paper based applications will need to be transitioned into the ARISE system in time for its annual renewal, or if you are making an amendment, whichever comes first. Specific instructions are outlined in the table below. NOTE: you can create an ethics application at any time in ARISE and hold it in 鈥淧re-Submission鈥 until you are ready to submit it for review.
All renewal or amendment requests to approved ethics applications must be submitted through ARISE. Sign-up for an ARISE Training Session or consult the ARISE Tutorials for instructions.
For training session dates, contact 澳门六合彩论坛鈥檚 Research Integrity unit in the Office of Research and Innovation (ORI) via email: reb@concordia.ab.ca.
How to Submit an Amendment or Renewal in ARISE
1) Use the guide |
2) Obtain a UA CCID (note: it may take 48 – 72 hours to receive your CCID and for it to be recognized within the ARISE system) |
3) Once your CCID is activated, log into the ARISE system and click New Human Study to create a new ethics application. |
4) In Section 1.1 (1.0) of the application form, type 澳门六合彩论坛 RENEWAL, <Your 澳门六合彩论坛 Ethics Protocol ID>, <Your study title>. This will clearly identify the application as an annual renewal of an existing 澳门六合彩论坛 approved application. |
4) In Section 1.1 (1.0) of the application form type 澳门六合彩论坛 AMENDMENT, <Your 澳门六合彩论坛 Ethics Protocol ID>, <Your study title>. This will clearly identify the application as an amendment request for an existing 澳门六合彩论坛 approved application. |
5) Download and complete the fillable Word document to describe your activity over the past year. Upload it to the documentation section of the ARISE application. |
5) Download and complete the fillable word document to describe your proposed amendment. Upload it to the documentation section of the ARISE application. |
6) Using the , copy and paste the responses from your approved 澳门六合彩论坛 application into the applicable sections of the ARISE application. Do NOT propose any changes to your existing approved application when completing a renewal application. Upload your current approved ethics application (and any attachments) and 澳门六合彩论坛 approval certificate (letter). |
6) Using the , copy and paste the responses from your approved 澳门六合彩论坛 application into the applicable sections of the ARISE application. Where you propose changes, make sure you populate the ARISE application form with these changes being reflected. |
7) NOTE: In ARISE, any question which has a red colored asterisk (*) in front of it is a MANDATORY question. If a mandatory question is not applicable to your study, enter 鈥淣/A鈥. |
8) Once the application has been completed, click SUBMIT for REVIEW. |
9) Once your application is in the system, a REB Specialist will be assigned to your study and will be able to answer specific questions about ethics application via email within ARISE. |
If you do not need to maintain your active ethics approval, closure notices can be submitted via to 澳门六合彩论坛鈥檚 Research Integrity unit in the Office of Research and Innovation (ORI) via email: reb@concordia.ab.ca.
NOTE: Closing your existing approved project does not involve the University of Alberta REB. This applies to all applications approved prior to July 1, 2023.
In-person or virtual training sessions are scheduled throughout the year and posted on 澳门六合彩论坛 Connect and shared via the Office of Research and Innovation e-Newsletter. Each session is ~1.5 hours and will cover the following:
Tutorial videos are also available in the 鈥淎RISE Tutorials & FAQs鈥 section below.
For training session dates, contact 澳门六合彩论坛鈥檚 Research Integrity unit in the Office of Research and Innovation (ORI) via email: reb@concordia.ab.ca.
There are resources to help you start working in ARISE:
- 鈥 instructions specifically for 澳门六合彩论坛 applicants.
- 鈥 additional resources for using the system.
- – templates for consent documents and guidance documentation, including the .
Please note the system was formerly called “REMO” and the resources below may still show this old name.
(Google Doc)
For additional tutorials and support, please visit the (scroll to the end of the page).
Research Ethics Boards (REBs)
The University of Alberta (UofA) administers four research ethics boards. To understand the distinction and responsibility of each REB, please visit the .
Most research conducted at 澳门六合彩论坛 that requires REB approval requires evaluation by either REB 1 or REB 2. Some research may require REB 3 review. Refer to the link above to determine which REB you should select to review your application.
Ethics Application Submission Dates for REB 1 and REB 2
For REB 1 submission information, including submission dates, please visit the .
For REB 2 submission information, including submission dates, please visit the .
Because much of the research submitted to REB 1 and REB 2 is minimal risk, the board has some flexibility as to when applications must be received.
Ethics Application Submission Dates for REB 3
For REB 3 submission information, including submission dates, please visit the .
As part of the agreement with the University of Alberta (UofA), 澳门六合彩论坛 will designate two (2) representatives to serve as members of the UofA鈥檚 REBs – one faculty representative will sit on REB 1 and another on REB 2. Details about this process is communicated at Faculty Council Meetings, in a process similar to GFC committee membership recruitment.
For general queries, you can contact 澳门六合彩论坛鈥檚 Research Integrity Unit @ reb@concordia.ab.ca.
If you have any questions about ARISE or the UofA REBs, contact reoffice@ualberta.ca. This is the general help inbox for the UofA Research Ethics Office (REO) and your inquiry will be answered or redirected as needed.
Once your application is in the system, a REB Specialist will be assigned to your study and will be able to answer specific questions about ethics application via email within ARISE.
Thank you in advance for your assistance and cooperation as we navigate this new system.