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Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence

The Research Cluster on Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence is an interdisciplinary group of scholars who share an interest in systems that are capable of learning without explicit programming.

Faculty members, staff, and students participating in the cluster explore research topics including machine learning, artificial intelligence, computational neuroscience, cognitive science, and philosophy of mind.

As a group, the cluster gathers to communicate and share research on machine learning and artificial intelligence, and to provide a forum for collaboration on research involving learning algorithms, their applications, and the social and cultural impacts of artificial intelligence.

Objectives and Intended Outputs

  1. To provide a forum for researchers and scholars to share their in-progress and completed research, to gather feedback, and to seek new perspectives
  2. To establish and promote collaboration in machine learning and artificial intelligence research across departments and disciplines
  3. To encourage an awareness of machine learning, artificial intelligence, and related topics throughout the university and the broader community
  4. To facilitate professional development and to learn from the work of fellow scholars in the field

Group members

  • Ed Boraas, Chair, Chief Information Officer
  • Baidya Nath Saha, Assistant Professor, Mathematical and Physical Sciences
  • Rossitza Marinova, Professor, Mathematical and Physical Sciences
  • Alison Yacyshyn, Dean, Mihalcheon School of Management, Associate Professor
  • Sergey Butakov, Associate Professor, Information Security and Assurance
  • Mike Wade, Director, Concordia Centre for Applied Artificial Intelligence
  • Yvonne Wong, Instructor, Department of Psychology

Guest Participants

  • Daniel Lindsay, Selkirk Regional Health Centre

Friends of the Cluster

  • Dorothy Steffler
  • Jonathan Strand
  • Manfred Zeuch
  • Dale Lindskog
  • Dan Mirau